Study reveals the lowdown on Australia's smokers

Study reveals the lowdown on Australia's smokers

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of smokers in Australia are educated, employed and in good mental health, according to a national study from the Australian National University (ANU).

Emily Banks, senior author of the study, said the findings will help break down the stigma surrounding smokers and ensure better support for those who need help.

"Smoking remains the leading cause of premature death and disability in Australia, so it is vital that we better understand who smokes and why they smoke," she said in a statement.

"People who smoke are often stigmatized and considered uneducated, unemployed and mentally ill."

Jessica Aw, a medical student at the Australian National University, said: "We analyzed nationally representative smoking data across Australia to better understand who smokes in our population. We found that around 250 people in Australia smoke every day. Millions of people smoke; approximately 60% of smokers are male, 65% live in large cities, and 92% are non-Indigenous.

"In addition, 69 per cent have completed Year 12, 69 per cent of working-age people are in paid employment and 73 per cent are mentally healthy."

"Although smoking is more common among people who are structurally disadvantaged, such as people in remote areas, Aboriginal people, people with less education and people living in poverty, the majority of smokers are educated, employed, and psychologically Health status is good and similar to Australia's general population."

The findings were published in the Medical Journal of Australia.
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